After Extraction of Wisdom Teeth

After having your wisdom teeth extracted, it's important to follow specific care guidelines to ensure a smooth recovery. Here are some general tips:

  • Manage Pain and Swelling:
    • Pain: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage discomfort. Your oral surgeon might also prescribe medication.
    • Swelling: Apply an ice pack to your face in 15-minute intervals to reduce swelling.

  • Follow Post-Operative Instructions:
    • Rest: Take it easy for the first 24-48 hours. Avoid strenuous activities.
    • Diet: Stick to soft foods and liquids like yogurt, applesauce, and soup. Avoid hot, spicy, or crunchy foods.

  • Maintain Oral Hygiene:
    • Brushing: Brush your teeth gently, avoiding the extraction sites.
    • Rinsing: After 24 hours, you can start rinsing with a saltwater solution to help keep the area clean and promote healing.

  • Avoid Certain Activities:
    • Smoking: Avoid smoking, as it can hinder healing and increase the risk of complications.
    • Sucking: Avoid sucking on straws or spitting forcefully, as these actions can dislodge blood clots and delay healing.

  • Watch for Complications:
    • Infection: If you notice severe pain, fever, or swelling that worsens, contact your oral surgeon.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about your recovery, it’s best to reach out to your oral surgeon.

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